Location: IIM Lucknow, India

Currently learning french out of necessity and interest in strasbourg. Also like to pick people's brains, make puns and pjs and watch tons and tons of movies

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Well, hello! First off, I think there are better things you can do than read my blog. But I guess you know that already. So inspite of the fact that you know that you should be doing something worthwhile,you still persist in reading this? Great! Just the sort of absolutely vella person I was looking forward to. For, trust me, I have serious doubts whether anything in any of my blogs will change your life in any way. You know the famous smoking fact - every cigarette you smoke reduces your life by 5 minutes. But one never knows for sure, does one? I mean, you dont get a sms notification the moment you smoke a ciggy showing your outstanding life, do you? I digress. My point being that smoking a cigarette might reduce your life by 5 minutes, but reading this blog will for sure reduce it by much more than that. Oh, and btw, it has already reduced it by a couple of minutes....just thought I should warn you before you trudge bravely on. Now I intended my first blog to be a sort of introduction to my future blogs but to even attempt to do that would be a lie coz I dont have the foggiest idea what they are going to be on. They can be on anything - right from the effect of reptilian erotica on chameleons to a complete dissertation on the open zip.

Alrighty then! Without any further ado, I leave you at the mercy of my blogs...


Blogger Shashank said...

napoleon had his waterloo
but i guess in napolayan's case, we just have water in the loo....

welcome to blogger ayanonymouse !!!!!

December 26, 2006 at 8:11 AM  

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