Location: IIM Lucknow, India

Currently learning french out of necessity and interest in strasbourg. Also like to pick people's brains, make puns and pjs and watch tons and tons of movies

Friday, December 29, 2006

I.T.(is on the)ROCKS!!

The IT sector is booming. People are getting recruited at fantastic salaries left, right and center (and being put on bench also at the aforementioned places). All the top companies are proudly quoting the headcount they expect to have in three years from now just like the Indian Association of Meat-sellers(I don’t know what it is called exactly, but this seems pretty logical, doesn’t it? A wonder if they haven’t named it thus) must be proudly boasting about the headcount of goats and sheep. Thankfully, cannibalism isn’t part of our culture, else ‘being axed from the job’ might have taken a whole new meaning altogether.

The rise of IT is indeed impressive. Kudos to all the computer engineers who made it possible! Screeeeeeechhhhh…..Wait a second! Did I just say computer engineers? I am sorry, I meant mechanical, civil, chemical, metallurgical, electrical engineers. Now there can be three reactions to this piece of news which I’ll list below:

  1. An IT professional : (No reaction. Waiting for the next sentence)
  2. Lehmann..I mean, layman : Hmmm….
  3. An American Client : What the %$%#!! They make the software??!!

Thankfully for all of us non-comps IT people, I don’t suppose any American client is going to read my blog (except maybe if I get sick of my project and want it cancelled).

I think we, the ones who thought s/w was, at worst, all about writing a C Program on how to generate the Fibonacci series, are the ones who have benefited the most from this boom. I mean, can you imagine an automobile manufacturing company taking an English(Hons) graduate in their R&D team which is going to come out with a brand new clone of its close competitor? But IT is simply great. IT(t) didn’t ask me a single question on computers and gave me two job offers from the top 3 IT companies in India! And unlike in the previous scenario, where the English(Hons) graduate, even if he somehow managed to get into the R&D team, will only be used to correct the innumerable mistakes in official e-mails, here a mechanical engineer can be easily put into coding in C/C++/Java after a training spanning just one month. And what a training it is! Even the guys who used to staple chits to the inside of their pants in college and were the first to reach the exam hall, not because of any excitement but purely to ‘make notes’ on the wonderfully cluttered drawing boards, get a shock.. For here, co-operation is virtually officially sanctioned. Sample a scene in the classroom during a test :

Ayan : Hey Sonia(for want of a better name)! Log in to the test site, start the test and we can all help u with the answers. Then we can simply copy all the answers.

Sonia: Shh…Ma’am is still in the class.

Ayan: Exactly. Even our class genius Mohan will know only 5 answers. From where do you think we were going to get the rest?

Ma’am: First of all, don’t call me Ma’am. My name is Sree Devi(I am not kidding – there were quite a few madhuris and sreedevis for our batch). And please don’t make so much noise. Your training lead can come anytime. Do it quietly. And Sonia, the answer is D, not B.

Ayan: Sreedevi, I’ll go out and have coffee. Will be back in 15 minutes.

Ma’am alias Sreedevi: Bring lemon tea for me, ok?

And so were the so-called tests cleared, and I became a trained Datawarehousing professional, ready to unleash upon my future team and client the full force of the havoc known as complete and utter ignorance.

However, things didn’t turn out so bad at the end of 6 months in the project – simply because we(me and two others of my ilk) weren’t made to work on anything for the first month and for the next 5, well, lets say that being born required more skill than what we did.

From time to time, the devil in my head (it’s a hot chick wearing a green noodle-strapped blouse and saree [a-la mandira bedi…btw, studying for MBA teaches you some new things…like which bracket to put inside a round bracket] and pouty lips just like Jolie) tries to get me to apply for a mechanical company, but thankfully, sense prevails (meaning – I get cold feet) and I refuse, realizing one thing. If there is one place which demands nothing from my brain, except that it control my fingers, and instead, lets it rot away writing blogs which only I am going to read (and maybe the occasional Client), then that place is IT.



Blogger sixtyfourarts said...

hey one question.......

hows sonia??

December 30, 2006 at 6:31 AM  
Blogger Shashank said...

hey one question from me too...

since when did u start calling me the 'Client'???

December 30, 2006 at 6:47 AM  
Blogger sixtyfourarts said...

i have scratched ur scratch mine...

December 31, 2006 at 10:39 PM  

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